Multimedia contents webpage about events related to football, basketball, motorsports. Each user can upload his own contents and value the contents of other users.

User registration and profile

Users can register to create a profile inside the webpage to create contents, vote and comment other user´s contents, save his favourite memes and share the using whatapp or social networks.

Memes creation

Users can create contents in a easy, quick way. All contents can be internet pictures, user´s own pictures o videos located throgh the Internet.

¿What if the user wants to create a meme from scratch? For that purpose, we develop a web tool where the user can upload an image and add the desired text with a customized size and format.

Interaction, exchange, communication

Users can comment all contents, thus creating a community inside the webpage.

Planning and managing contents

System administrator is able to manage all contents in an easy way. He can select which ones will be visible and which ones won´t accornding to webpage policies. He can manage date and time to upload and display contents (for example, if he has 24   publications in a day,  he is able to upload them once per hour)

Client: Stadee Group Limited

logo rosa negro logo celeste negro logo rosa negro logo amarillo rosa





Some of our proyects are private at the request of the client. If you're interested in seeing them, please contact us and we'll provide you a temporal access to them.